minimal beauty

— Coco Chanel
We’d like to talk to you about a way of life that’s seamlessly made its way into the habits of beauty experts and beauty junkies for some time now. We like to think of it as a secret weapon in achieving that perfectly effortless look that enhances the most genuine and generous aspects of your natural beauty. Think of that young Parisian socialite who seemingly just threw her clothes and some makeup on but who simply exudes grace and elegance.  It’s called minimalist beauty, and it’s part of a larger movement that has been taking over and improving people’s lives for some time. 
If you’re just getting acquainted with minimal makeup revolution or if you are already a believer, we wanted to share our tips to achieving a new attitude towards makeup and share the benefits of simplifying and reevaluating your own beauty rituals.  
vegan cruelty free makeup
— Leonardo Da Vinci
The secret to learning how to apply minimal makeup is more about a state of mind rather than a set of rules. It actually means that there is intention behind putting on the right type of makeup for the right occasion with the least amount of effort (and the least number of products). This means that your choice of makeup has to work twice or even three times as hard so you don’t have to. And, the best part is that you can do it without ever breaking the bank. Really, it’s all about treating your canvas (that’s your face) with what it needs and not what it thinks it has to have. Does that make sense?
But let’s get back to our personal strategies to undoing and refining your beauty habits so they become more minimalist.
1. Purge your makeup bag. Your skin will thank you.
Thank you, Marie Kondo, for making decluttering a trend. Your beauty bag is no exception, so empty it out! If you are struggling to decide what goes in your minimal makeup collection, we suggest thinking of your furry friends and get rid of anything that isn't’ cruelty-free. What you should keep really depends on those products that spark joy. Basically, your staples and something that will help your natural beauty pop every once in a while.
2. Focus on enhancing your natural beauty.
As cliché as it sounds, no one looks beautiful hiding behind their makeup. For the minimalist, it’s really about enhancing those features that you find most beautiful and tempering the rest with subtly and simplicity. For example, drop a touch of color to show off those shapely brows (which are trending right now!), or use a tinted lip balm to let your lips shine with natural brilliance. What we’re really after is giving yourself a confidence boost, which is the most effective minimal makeup look you can achieve.
3. Use less stuff, seek more benefits, spend less money.
Ok, that sounds like three parts to a single rule but they do work together. Less is more when it comes to makeup but it’s also about your makeup being more versatile and multi-functional.  A lipstick that’s also a lip balm, an eye-shadow brush that also works as an eye-liner, a face palette that works from your lips to your cheek, these types of products puts major benefits in one place. And, by combining, you will probably end up saving a lot.
minimal makeup vegan makeup
4. Go for effect, not perfection
We already have so much pressure during the waking hours of the day that your minimal makeup routine should not be another stressful moment. So, ease up on the quest for perfection because finding the right effect will have a greater impact. Also, use products and tools that are designed to help you quickly achieve those details and not slow you down. 
5. Get familiar with the real you
Our attention is so consumed by the world around us and often times we lose track of who we are and how great we can be.  As a result, we tend to wear makeup like a mask, hiding our true selves as opposed to enhancing ourselves. Minimalist beauty is about meeting yourself all over again and helping the real you be revealed. As you change your old beauty habits and improve your lifestyle, you’ll have more time and energy for yourself.
It is a process to achieve, but the effects of minimalist beauty will soon carry over into other aspects of your life. It’s important to remember that what we’re really going for with this philosophy is to be more aware and present with every action and decision we make so that we can focus on the present and our most beautiful selves.
– Undone Beauty


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